Archive for the ‘Bible studies’ Category


December 29, 2007

TEXT:   EPHESIANS 4:3-6             

FOCUS: Christ has destroyed the walls of prejudice through his death on the cross.



It is common to notice in every secondary school, that they are 5-10 students who are exclusively special. Not officially recognized, but they seem to be causing a lot of things to happen. They possess subjective forms of beauty, style, intelligence, and other types of special skills. They draw people to themselves, students not quite their caliber, but who wish they could be. These special groups of students get along with all of the teachers, gain all kinds of glory through school programmes, and have an influential presence in just about every special activity in school.




Describe the characteristics that make you stand out in the crowd. It could be anything from your looks, economic status, intelligence, personality, beliefs, talents, or skills.


Is there a certain characteristic that put you off when you see it in someone else? Explain. How could this personal dislike in you lead to discrimination?


How do you think God wants us to relate to others despite their looks, economic status, intelligence, personality traits, belief, talents, or skills? Rom. 12:14-18, Eph. 4:16.


Do you agree with these passages; is it possible to accept and be kind to every single person you come in contact with in life? Explain.


If someone is discriminating against you, what God-like thing could you do that would make it beneficial for them to stop?




When we allow discrimination walls to fortify in our relationship with people around us, coming to an agreement on any issue will be impossible. There are all kinds of walls or barriers between people in your school and church, individually or with a group. Choose a particular barrier and develop a plan for breaking it down. Write down some specific steps you can take this week to reconcile the divided relationships this barrier has created.



December 29, 2007



Frank was home alone during school vacation, when Johnson one of his class mates visited and he suggested they call one of the popular girls in their school. Frank called, and she invited them to a party in her house. “My parents are out of town, and it’s going to be a blast”, she said. Without too much hesitation, they went.

When they arrived, they were overwhelmed by all the sports cars parked outside, once inside, Frank was even more baffled. He had never seen such cool-looking youths in his life. The girls were all awesome, and the guys were good-looking too. It was almost as if he had found himself among movie stars.

As the party progressed, so did the drinking of alcohols. Though Frank still felt that taking alcohol is not right for him as a Christian, but he was afraid he’ll look odd among this sophisticated set of people if he declines the offer.

Later, he stumbled into a room filled with bodies and blue smoke. It suddenly hit him that they were all getting high. Before he could think of what to do, Johnson handed him a joint and said, “C’mon, Frank, go ahead; this stuff is incredible!” Everyone in the room was suddenly looking at him. All the sophisticated faces were staring, waiting to see if he is “cool”. Hey! don’t tell me you’re too holy for us, said one of the guys. He sheepishly sat down, and was initiated into the world of drugs that evening against his wish.

The following morning being Sunday, Frank couldn’t go to church. He was overwhelmed by guilt from yesterday’s incident, especially, remembering how he messed around sexually under the influence of alcohol and drugs.



What do you think Frank would’ve done,? These people were all rich and seemingly famous. Anyone else could have cared for their approval and acceptance, so saying no was out of the question because; they would have thought he was a Colo!


What do you think are the unique peer pressures Christian youth faces today the most as a result of being Christians?


What exactly do you think Solomon meant in Proverbs 29:25, when he says “fear of man”?

In 1 Samuel 15:24, King Saul explains why he disobeyed God’s command. What can you pick out from this passage about peer pressure?


Do you see the truth of Proverbs 29:25 in your own life? When in your life have you been ensnared by compromising your standard as a Christian because of the fear of what people will think or say about you? Explain.

Have your action in anywhere led others astray? (Galatians 2:11-13)


What practical things do you need to do from now onward to be able to handle the heat of peer pressure?

Surround yourself with support – Dan. 3:16, Eccl. 4:12

Stick to what is right – Dan. 3:18, Isaiah 1:17

Put your trust in God – Dan. 3:17, Prov. 3:5



The reason it’s called peer PRESURE is because it’s tough…if it wasn’t tough, it wouldn’t be called pressure!  But you know what right in the situation…has the guts to do it! Secondly, only you really make the decisions about whom you will allow to be your influential peers, and to what degree they will make demands on you. Not only do you conform to please them, they also control you. I guess that’s not what you want!


Just Because You’re FACING the FIRE Doesn’t Mean You’re Going to Get FRIED!


December 29, 2007



FOCUS: To help students discover how Christians can fight and thwart the works of Satan.



The American is notorious presently for its sophisticated war tactics and military strength. Their soldiers are equipped with the latest technological advances in weaponry and armory so they would not be conquered easily by opposing army. They spend millions of dollar to upgrade their weapons and armors, because their victory depends on them.

Though we may not belong to a branch of the military, Paul in our text today acknowledges that we are at war too. Evil forces in the spiritual realm wages war against us daily. This discussion will help us to know the best weaponry and armory to use to exorcize the devil and his demons.




How much truth is there in the fictional movies we see about Satan and demons? Why do you think Satan and demons really exist, and have such power to influence humans negatively?


What are the three common ways Satan attack young people today? And why do you choose these three against others?


Which of the armor listed in Eph. 6:14-18, do you think is the most important during wartime? Explain your answer.

Look closely at verse 11-13, why do you think Paul advices Christians to put on ALL the armor?


Base on your answer above, draw an analogy to demonic warfare. How would you use each of these weapons and shielding devices?


What do you think are some of the specific evil influences you expect to encounter this week? Which of these weapons would be the most useful, and how are you going to use them?




Supernatural evil powers – the devil and his demons – are real. People have witnessed their activities all over the world, and occasionally we have seen evil powers take over humans as portrayed in some movies. But according to our lesson, God has given us spiritual strategies to overcome these evil forces.

You have been given extremely important information for defeating demonic forces and their agents, but this information will do you no good except you put it into practice. So start using this information this week.



December 29, 2007



FOCUS: To realize that they are light in the world, and should keep their lights on to expose evil.



Dan Allender in Bold Love has this to say: “Evil is present when there is a profound absence of empathy, shame, and goodness. Empathy involves a connectedness to the heart of another and respect for their personal boundaries. An evil person is unmoved by the inner world of the other and has no respect for boundaries….An evil person seems to delight in striping away purpose, individuality, and vitality.”

It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between good and evil in our society. One of the challenges most teens don’t want to take is to fight against evil in their school or community.




If there is a kind of “special light” that exposes evil in a person’s life when he/she walk under it; what percentage of teens do you think will be willing to walk under it? Explain your answer.


Base on your personal definition of evil, which areas do you see evil prevailing much at school, at home, among your peers?


What exactly do you think Paul mean, when he said we should “expose evil” in Eph.5:11?

What beneficial points can you pick from Eph. 5:7-12 with regards to this lesson?


Do you believe the old adage that says; “Evil prevails when good people do nothing”? What actions could you take to stop evil in its tracks at school, among your peers, at home, even if you have little or no power?


What practical things do you need to do on a daily basis to keep you from partaking in evil? John 3:20.




The truth is that, evil will never prevail, but the battle will always be difficult. Shining a light on evil can be dangerous in itself. Friendships could be lost, you might be placed in physical danger, or people you care about could reject and abandon you.

Though sometimes doing the right things may means unavoidable losses, but always do the right thing. Turn on the lights, because that’s your duty as a Christian in this world – Matthew 5:14.



December 29, 2007


TEXT:   EPHESIANS 4:25-27 & 31-32

FOCUS: How to handle our anger properly as Christians without giving Satan a foothold      in our life.



A commonly experienced and displayed emotion during adolescence is “anger”. It can be said that, God wired humans to be angry. Even God gets angry. Jesus overturned tables in the temple and scolded the money changers out of anger.

Anger is a dangerous emotion that threatens to leap out of control; and if not properly handled will lead to physical and verbal violence, emotional hurt, increased mental stress, and other destructive results. This study will help us know how to control and handle our anger thoughtfully.




What do you think is the main reason why people easily get angry? What is wrong about you venting your anger every once in a while?


What destructive effects have you seen recently results from uncontrolled anger by a teenager?


What do you think Paul mean in Eph. 4:26-27, by saying, “do not give the devil a foothold”? How dose anger interfere with our relationship with God?


What does God advices us to do when we are tempted to vent our anger, or face with situations that can make us lose our temper? Proverbs 12:16; 14:29; 19:11.


How can you best avoid acting out of anger toward your close friends and family members?

What are the specific steps you can take to control your anger next time when someone starts raging at you?



Though anger is natural, but if vented thoughtlessly, it can hurt others and destroy relationships. If bottled up inside, it can cause us to become bitter and can destroy our mental, physical, and spiritual health from within.

Anger can be an ally if you use it right. But when your emotions start to chum out of control, find a way to turn down the heat in a godly way, or else you may become the very thing you hate.